2024 Annual Stewardship Campaign

Our pledge is a reflection of God’s blessings to us. By returning a percentage of our income for His work, we express gratitude. Our 2024 pledge campaign recognizes that the many ministries and missions of Trinity Episcopal Church are possible only with your financial support. We ask that you prayerfully consider your gift and return your pledge card to the church, or a confidential pledge form online.

"Money little by little grows" Proverbs 13:11

  • Please return the card to church in person or online.

Make your 2024 Stewardship Pledge


From these pledges, the Vestry will develop a budget for the coming fiscal year,

which begins January 1st, 2024. The Vestry must create a balanced budget that

may not exceed the funds it expects to receive. The final budget is adopted by

the Vestry and will be presented to the congregation at our annual meeting in late


The Rev. Dr. Paul Gitimu - Rector